Rabu, 26 Desember 2012


GambarI think you may already familiar with this fruit. A fruit that tastes sweet sourly. You are also extremely familiar with the oval shape and a brown greenish color with bright green flesh of the fruit or golden pulp with tiny black seeds, which are edible. I am sure you guessed the fruit what I mean perfectly. Yeah, it’s kiwi fruit. You also known as  Actinidia deliciosa. When we look at its shape, seemingly kiwi fruit is more similar to the sapodilla fruit, Round oval, brown with bits of fuzz on the skin of the fruit. Nevertheless, they have different benefits. Behind the smooth textures, kiwi fruit apparently with many benefits. Such as: kiwi fruits are rich in many Vitamins like: A, C, E, which help protect our body against free radicals from all fronts, minerals to balance the body’s blood sugar, flavonoids that help protect our cells from oxidative damage and very helpful in protecting our DNA from mutations and damage. In particular, they contain a high amount of Vitamin C (more than oranges), as much potassium as bananas and a good amount of beta-carotene. Amazing, isn’t it? Other than that, kiwi contains amino acids. They are arginine and glutamate. As you know, arginine is a vasodilator or decreased blood pressure and helps improve blood stream so, it can increase the brain’s capabilities, which is equivalent with eating seafood. According to the book that I have read, the results of Lynley Drummond is also proved, kiwi fruit provides the most nutrients with at least calories compared with oranges, bananas, and apples so, kiwi is the best choice for people who are dieting. And many more. To determine the best quality of kiwi fruits, we can see from the dense texture. When we pressed with a finger it feels solid but it’s not hard. Usually if you find soft kiwi it means foul. You also should remember that do not ever be fooled by the bigger sizes because they are not indicated of good quality and one more important thing you have to know that kiwi fruit will taste sweeter if you left it mature at room temperature. So, you have read the kiwi fruit benefits, right? So, you will not hesitate if you want to buy it because it’s incredibly good for our health yeah, although the price is slightly expensive but trust me the cost of medical treatment is more expensive than buying 1 kg of kiwi.

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